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At Med-Fit Medical Weightloss we are committed to supporting your weightloss journey and healthy lifestyle.

Enjoy our newsletter.

If you have a question or looking to connect with a team member at our office, please contact us with additional questions at (303) 321-0023.

We look forward to meeting you.
~ Dr. Angela Tran

Our Story

Dr. Angela Tran saw the value in medical weight-loss. Her years of experience treating medical issues taught her that improper weight management is at the root of most common ailments. Dr. Tran changed her career path to provide services geared toward eliminating these ailments. Modern medicines do a fantastic job of treating symptoms. However, they don’t remove the underlying root of the problem.

Obesity is on the rise, and having a physician who understands the medical complexities that serve as barriers is the missing x factor to one’s weight loss success. Dr. Angela is one of the very few doctors in Colorado who is double Board-Certified in Internal Medicine and Obesity Medicine. She is able to address the often overlooked issues that can slow one’s weight progress down such as medications, various medical conditions, hormones, age, and family history. Weight Loss is a science and one’s success is dependent on the expertise of a weight loss specialist who can provide the step by step process to restoring health in a fast and safe manner.

Training Center

Med-Fit Medical Weight Loss is a revolutionary new way to lose weight while improving overall physical health. This is a concept widely ignored in the dieting world today. We help our clients meet standards of good health, such as normal body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. We do that through a variety of programs designed for different levels of results. Each program can be combined with our training area to increase endurance and strength. Physical activity is always a great way to accelerate weight loss and fat burn. Our equipment is well maintained and new. As a bonus, it comes with a great view of Denver!


Our highly skilled team has crafted a wide range of plans for all different goals and lifestyles. We are committed to creating programs for every lfestyle!

If you are uncertain to what plan to choose, we invite you to schedule a New Patient Free 60-min in-office consultation.

Our team can’t wait to meet you.

Before you come in for your first visit feel free to take a look at all the features our plans offer. Don’t worry. We will make certain you get the perfect one for you and your body!