How to Lose Water Weight

Water weight is an important part of managing your overall weight. Normally, your body will retain a certain amount of fluids that it needs in order to function. Our bodies are mostly water, and they need water to perform all their necessary metabolic tasks, but in some situations, our bodies might retain excess water. Here are some of the ways that you can try to lose your water weight.

water weight loss

Drink More Water

Our bodies know that we need water to live in. If it thinks there might be a water shortage because you’re not drinking enough water, it will hold on to the water it gets. Drink an adequate amount of water and you’ll be happy to see that your body actually sheds its water weight better. Also, drinking water before you eat might help you lose fat, too, by controlling your appetite.

Control Sodium

Sodium attracts water, and if you have a lot of sodium in your system, it can make it hard for your body to eliminate water. Almost everyone eating the standard American diet gets too much sodium, so you should start paying attention to your intake levels and get them under control.

Another way to help control the sodium balance is to take in more potassium. Potassium helps your body manage sodium levels.

Reduce Stress

When your body experiences stress, it holds on to sodium and water. This may be a holdover from a defensive response that was intended to help manage your need for water in situations when it was not convenient to stop and drink.

There are many good ways to reduce stress, such as trying to remove stressors from your life, such as mindfulness, meditation, and massage. Other stress reduction methods have their own benefits for reducing water weight and are discussed below.


Exercise is a great way to reduce stress. It can release endorphins that counter stress hormones in the brain. It also gives your body another method for regulating water and sodium levels through sweat.

Get Good Sleep

Lack of sleep can make it harder for your body to handle stress hormones. It also interferes with your body’s ability to manage water and sodium levels. If you aren’t getting enough sleep at night, you might find yourself retaining extra sodium and water.

Managing water weight is just one component of achieving a healthy weight that you are happy with. If you would like help with a comprehensive approach to healthy weight loss, please contact MedFit Medical Weight Loss Clinic in the Stapleton areas of Denver today.

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Dr. Angela Tran